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What is Art, how do you make Art, why do you enjoy making Art,  is it random things,and why do you make Art this are the question our ancestors have asked and try to answers this question has passed on from one generation to another try to have a concept of what art and funny thing is we are still banging our heads against a rock.

Why do i enjoy making Art you ask well it brings excitement, thrills, joy and the smile it brings when my artwork has come to completion   to me Art is not just a random thing pick on my to superstore it’s a gift that i plan to use it. Art challenges us to reach deep into our imagination it show the only limit is the one we put in our own mind.

Creating an art piece is applying materials or as i like to call them ingredients there are numerous material for making art so far i have enjoyed graphite, charcoal and painting. Still life painting is one of my favourite style of drawing and painting. It’s purpose is it to challenge how your concept in art how you can view certain object that are place random but organize for an artist to his /her skills.graphite drawing in comparison are by far the most challenging way to make an art piece. In the hands of master graphite drawings appear to be realistic as a photo, i have fallen in love with its shading texture,it’s style and the beauty of it once you finish your drawing

The sky's the limit we create the boundaries that we put in our head  and the thoughts we let in our mind. The future is like a river that has many stream they flow separately all in different direction meeting obstacle as they flow  but they all meet at the same river. Art is that river and the possibilities are as numerous as the streams that flow into that same river, with Art i can become a film director, Producer the possibilities are endless i only have to pick path and flow with it.

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